Move tutor compatibility | randomized preferring same type Move tutors | random | force % of good damaging moves: 25%

Tm/hm compatibility | randomized preferring same type Tm/hm | random | full hm compatibility | force % of good damaging moves: 25% Wild pokemon | random | catch em all mode | randomize held items | ban bad items Trainers pokemon | type themed | rival carries starter through game | try to use pokemon with similar strength | randomize trainer names | randomize trainer class names Pokemon movesets | randomized preferring same type | every pokemon starts with 4 moves | reorder damaging moves | force % of good damaging moves: 25%

Move data | randomize move power | randomize move accuracy | randomize move pp | randomize move types | randomize move category In-game trades | randomize both requested & given | randomize nick/ot/iv/item Pokemon abilities | randomized | allow wonder guard | follow evolutions Pokemon base statistics | randomized | standardize exp curves | follow evolutions